Online Lockout Tagout training- Why is the LOTO training a beneficial training type?

 For complying with OSHA standards the companies engaging the machinery must draft a written LOTO plan. What does the Online Lockout Tagout training ensure?

The Lockout Tagout training ensures compliance. The written LOTO plan includes scope, purpose as well as techniques that can be used for controlling hazardous energy.

The five main causes of LOTO injuries include-

  1. Failure of stopping equipment
  2. Failure of disconnect from the power source
  3. Failure of dissipating the residual energy
  4. Restarting the equipment accidentally
  5. Failure of clearing work areas before restarting

You could be a facility manager, foreman or machine operator you must know about LOTO. Certainly, the machines type, as well as sources of energy, would vary between the plant types. Copper mines use excavating equipment that is powered by electricity. The offshore platforms use large gas turbines which are powered by natural gas.

The specific safety considerations are specific to the industry, application as well as site. It might include below tasks as well as applications-

  1. Replacing the compressor belts, ventilation equipment as well as shop the machines
  2. Disassembling of the pump couplings for replacing/repairing the pumps/motors and others.
  3. Maintaining electric/hydraulic recycle balers as well as the trash compactors
  4. Repairing of the boilers
  5. Working on the engines vehicle as well as the drive trains
  6. Changing of the saw/chipper blades
  7. Replacing the light ballasts
  8. Clearing of the conveyor jams

Is it preferable to be reluctant to follow the LOTO guidelines?


No, it is not preferable to be reluctant. It is instead better to get right training as the workplaces having established LOTO procedures also face the challenges including the-

  1. Lack of specified procedures written for equipment that identifies the energy sources as well as isolation devices.
  2. Lack of comprehensive safety training for one and all in the workplace
  3. Incorrect usage of the tag
  4. Inappropriate usage of the lock
  5. Working under someone else’s lock
  6. Employees need to let shift operators know along with operator worksheets that work had been finished. When uncertain the production might halt thereby leading to thousands of dollars of losses within the output.

Below are the benefits that LOTO provides-

  • Minimizes the injury exposure if the machines are started accidentally
  • Minimizes the exposure to injury in case of unexpected releases of hazardous energy like steam blasts, chemicals and much more
  • Saving the lives
  • Minimizing the exposure to litigation
  • Making safety a top priority which inspires the confidence and trust of the employee
  • Improvement of profitability

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