Reach Forklift offers telehandler training online , also known as Rough Terrain Forklift, as a quick, simple, and efficient way to obtain a telehandler training certificate and telehandler licenses. Telehandler training is open to anybody over 15, including safety managers and business owners. You should avoid going to people who guarantee certification; such courses are untrustworthy since they do not follow OSHA guidelines. You should seek out those who offer engaging experiences that allow learners to retain information and easily apply for jobs. Telehandler training is not a long-term commitment; it takes only a few hours. Many people believe that learning to use a telehandler is a cost, but it is an investment since if you have a skill, you will be able to acquire a decent job in the future. Crane operator (overhead) Participants in this online overhead crane operator course will receive proper instruction on the equipment, including all health and safety requirements...